Safety-focused management
We are putting efforts to make NO-INJURY working environment
KTE will fulfill a happy life for individuals and corporate social responsibility through safety-focused management.
- Safety & Health Policy
- Set up an autonomous safety and health management system by giving priority to safety and health in all areas of business operations.
Set safety and health goals and specific objectives related to safety & Health Policy and establish and carry out an implementation plan.
Intensify the safety and health competencies by establishing safety and health improvement programs in the spirit of human dignity.
Strictly comply with safety and health related laws and requirements for safety and health management system.
Continuously improve to achieve accident-free workplaces through the participation of all employees.
Safety focused management
Management has been sharing our goal - ”Safety is the top priority of our management”, with all employees. Besides, we are conducting various safety-related activities to drive all employees’ support and participation. Also, all persons’ safety at our facility is under our responsibility with expanding range of safety target.
Site safety patrol
Secure communication meeting
Contractor safety training
Accident-free activities
KTE has built a safety management system for “safe home” to all people accessing the company and deployed accident-free activities.
Safety check
- Monthly joint check
- Frequently check
Safety inspection
- Dangerous machine safety inspection, gas facilities periodical check
- Fire protection safety check
- Operation of safety education
- Operation of safety organization
Safety and health management system
Build and operate based on a health and safety management system through the certification of OHSAS 18001, KOSHA 18001
OHSAS 18001(KOR)
OHSAS 18001(ENG)
KOSHA 18001(KOR)
KOSHA 18001(ENG)
Setup of emergency response system
Occurrence of accidents
Emergency rescue, Early extinguishment