Control & Automation


Bridge Watch Monitoring System

The purpose of a Bridge watch monitoring system(BWMS) is to monitor bridge activity and detect operator disability which could lead to marine accidents.

The system conforms to the requirements of IMO resolution MSC.128(75)Performance standards for a Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) and the bridge class notations for “one-man bridge operation”. The system monitors the awareness of the Officer of the Watch (OOW) and automatically alerts the Master or another qualified OOW if for any reason the OOW becomes incapable of performing the OOW.s duties. This purpose is achieved by a series of indications and alarms to alert first the OOW and, if he is not responding, then to alert the Master or another qualified OOW. Additionally, the this system’s may provide the OOW with a means of calling for immediate assistance if required. The BWMS should be operational whenever the ship.s autopilot system is engaged, unless inhibited by the Master.

And alarm display to receive up to external alarm signals from miscellaneous bridge equipment.

Visual & Audible alarm and warning.
Adjust system timers (password protected).
Change the system mode (password protected).
Call and selection of back-up navigator.
Emergency call.
Alarm reset buttons.
Setup and display of Bridge/navigation equipment alarms.
Operating Unit
- Operating temperature : 0℃~55℃
- Relative Humidity : 5~95% without condensation
- Power consumption : 70watts(2.9A at 24Vdc)
- Supply voltage : 18~32Vdc

Distributed Unit
- Operating temperature : 0℃~55℃
- Relative Humidity : 5~95% without condensation
- Power consumption : 40watts
- Supply voltage : 24Vdc

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